NEW BIRTH 38 TURNS 50 (1973 - 2023)!

To Our Fabulous NB38 Line Sisters:

This is the year to plan for the 50th Anniversary of our Line.  Can you believe how time as passed!  It will be 50 years December 7, 2023 since we crossed those burning sands of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on the campus of Morgan State, Alpha Gamma Chapter.  We started out with 46, but 38 strong beautiful women made it to the finish line.  And although we’ve each had our shares of all the good and bad that goes with our evolution, GOD has blessed us despite the loss of three of our own.

And so it’s time to plan our celebration!  Let's make the goal be 100% participation.  This opportunity and time in life may not come around again so please make an effort to participate in at least one activity with your line sisters. 

May GOD Continue to BLESS & to keep Each and Everyone of you safe......until we meet again!

Most Lovingly and Affectionately,

Cassandra Wilkinson Lighty, Reunion Coordinator                            

Back to Front Row L to R: Pam, Deborah C, Cassandra, Arlene, Barbria, Denise B, (Anita), Michele P, Andrea, Sharon C, Stephanie & DD 2nd: Lauretta, Kitty, (Marguita), Carliss, Michelle H, Debra F, Gloria, Millie, Valerie & TT, Myra, (Joan) & Roxanne; 3rd: Sharon J, Barenda, Maureen, Pat, Gretchen, Deborah H, Debra G, Nina, Marguerite, Marian & (Angie); 4th: Denise M, Marsha, Brenda, (Shea) Front Row: Chris, (Francine), (Bobbi), Veralee & Vera 

PHOTOS from NEWBIRTH38's 2003 - 2004 30th Line Celebrations - Part 1 - REMEMBER

The video slideshow of photos from Our Line's 2003 30th Line Anniversary Celebrations held the weekend of our Anniversary Dec 7, 2003 and continuing the Spring of 2004. Enjoy!

Squeakie 08.02.2017 17:39

Happy Brithday and God's Blessings to all my Sisters who celebrate this month. I an so grateful and honored to be a part of this family. With all my Love Squeak

Michelle Hairston 20.12.2013 15:27

Merry Christmas, New Birth! Here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year for us all.

Carliss 08.12.2013 05:40

Happy Anniversary Line Sisters. It is officially 40 years!!

Brianna Nichols 07.12.2013 16:33

Happy DELTAversary Sorors

Carliss 08.12.2013 05:41

Thank you Soror!!

Barenda 10.10.2013 06:28

Hats Off to the New Birth Celebration Committee and everyone that supported this fantastic weekend!! The luncheon and activities were "the best"!!

Latest comments

02.12 | 00:49

Thx so much Debbie❤️🔺

02.12 | 00:47

Thanks so much my Sorors for your Congrats and well wishes on my re...

27.11 | 23:56

Congratulations Sharon😘😘

12.10 | 23:57

Happy Birthday Soror!! Hope it's simply Fantastic! Tee-Tee