NB38: Forty Nine & Fabulous

NB38 ZOOM CALL......LET'S TALK ABOUT our 50th!

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02.12 | 00:49

Thx so much Debbie❤️🔺

02.12 | 00:47

Thanks so much my Sorors for your Congrats and well wishes on my re...

27.11 | 23:56

Congratulations Sharon😘😘

12.10 | 23:57

Happy Birthday Soror!! Hope it's simply Fantastic! Tee-Tee


November 13, 2022

Greetings Sorors!

Sunday New Birth 38 had its third zoom meeting in planning for our 50th DELTAVERSARY!

Present on the call were the following:

Deborah Hoy Jones



Debra Faucett




Michelle Palmer Queen

Michelle Hairston




Sandz Carliss, Barenda and Arlene submitted comments prior to their absence at the meeting.

The meeting began with prayer led by Gretchen

Discussion items were as follows:

Wellness Checks

Committee Reports



Line Sisters on the call each reported that all was well with them and their families. DD asked for prayers with a H.R. issue she is dealing with in hopes of firing a city manager. There was no status given on services planned for Denise Nedab’s husband Oliver, but a card and gift card was sent to her from the line by our Support Services Committee.


NB38 50th Scholarship Committee: Gretchen, Stephanie, Debbie H, Jones, Tee Tee

Gretchen reported that she had spoken to Denise Alexander Smith but was unable to secure her for our zoom meetings because she does not work on Sundays.She did report the three types of Scholarship Funds that could be set up for AG Endowment Fund:

  1. Restrictive:In making a $1,000 deposit which is not an interest-bearing account up front towards a set amount, making monthly payments towards a goal we set ($10,000, $30,000 as examples)
  2. Non-Interest-Bearing:Suggested goal of $25,000 which would estimate line sisters making a $40-$45 payment each month; This would be an interest-bearing account.
  3. Alpha Gamma Endowment Fund:It was suggested making our contributions on behalf or in the name of our line through the fund already established by the Alpha Gamma Chapter.

After some discussion, the group voted to go with the 3rd option of joining with our beloved Alpha Gamma chapter. However, there were some questions thatGretchenneeded to get addressed for us in proceeding.

  1. How is the AG Endowment run or operated?
  2. What type of endowment has been set up?
  3. We would like to review the AG Endowment’s portfolio in reviewing officers, how it was set up, whether it was tax deductible and the health of their endowment status

Gretchen responded that she would contact the Alpha Gamma President, Ms. Smith and the Morgan Alumni Office for answers. An attempt would also to be made to get Ms. Smith or a contact for our next Zoom meeting or on one separate from it.The group voted to set $25,000 as a line goal which led to a discussion on fund raising ideas and efforts. This led to expanding the NB38 50th Deltaversary Scholarship Committee to include line sisters who will help spearhead or advise on any fundraising efforts. Joining was DD, Gloria and Debra Faucett.

Oceanfront Vacation Rentals for 2024: Denise “DD” Adams

DD reported from a slideshow she prepared that was shared during the zoom meeting

As a part of the discussion, DD explained home Agency firms would allow us to set up monthly payments before and after the rental; however, they would also charge interest.

There were three rentals to consider:

During the discussion, there was concern on expressed for line sisters who may not want to share bedrooms.Were there properties close by that would provide privacy but would allow proximity to the main house for activities.During the attempts to come up with dates for our beach trip, there were concerns about the weather during the times of year that were suggested.

Concluding the discussion on vacation rentals, it was suggested line sisters review the Vacation Rentals page on our website (http://newbirth38.simplesite.com/453469830) to comment or have the location researched further. The group concluded responding to our tasks by:

Choosing the Length of stay as 5 days and 4 nights (Arriving Wed and departing Sun)

Selecting the following three dates to research:

Mid-September 2024

April 10 – 14, 2024and

March 2024 before spring break

Estimating an average participants attendance of 20

Cost Estimate of Housing (Line Sisters were encouraged to save for this important event to be prepared to make payments when the time comes

Location undecided yet, but line sisters appeared to be leaning toward vacation rentals in the Hilton Head, SC area includingArleneandCarlissnot in attendance during zoom meeting.

DD informed the group that what had been decided upon and discussed would be considered in her efforts to further research and provide us with additional locations, available dates and rental costs.

Homecoming 2023 Committee:Dee Dee, Sharon, Gretchen, Stephanie & Tee Tee

This group did not officially meet so there was no discussion.

NB38 Support Services Committee: Deborah Hughes, Michelle H, Michelle Q & Lauretta

The Committee announced new members Lauretta and Michelle Q. who were present during the zoom meeting. Lauretta led the discussion by announcing the name change and purpose of the policy changes moving forward in 2023. The group provided comments that included those fromBarenda(not present) as follows:

Significant Other- In general, I believe we all agree what S.O. means. Should there be a definition to be clear?

Sisters that pledged NB38/Advisors-they are included in many activities. Should we invite them to contribute to this committee? (Voluntary)

Cassandra- talented and great resource for the NB38 line. Do you have a backup/successor?

Dues- $75 due by March. Submit $25 January-March. Very manageable. Goal is toget 100% participation.

The committee responded after some discussion to Barenda’s points that they would abide by the definition ofsignificant otheras a “person with whom someone has had and maintained an established relationship.” The revised policy addresses "significant other" under hospitalization not in terms of a family member.It was determined that it was not necessary to include NB38/ Advisors as a part of collecting any funds. As a part of any activities outside of the Support Services recognition, they pay for activities separately as they have always done to participate in NB38 activities. No Cassandra does not have a backup nor has anyone from the line volunteered or been identified as her successor. Cassandra expressed this is a concern especially when like this policy such an issue is not addressed or should be fluid in case the need for a successor or replacement does arise by her passing.

NB38 Treasurer, Debbie Hughes was not in attendance on the call, but it was reported that there is currently a balance in the fund of $1000.However, the committee stated that as a part of the policy, she will prepare a financial report each quarter that will be emailed to all Sorors and posted on the website.

Beginning January 2023, each NB38 Line Sister will be asked to contribute a minimum of $75 per year to the (NB38) Support Services Fund to keep up with increasing life events.Payments can be made in increments of $25/month with the full $75 due by March 2023. Payments can be submitted to the Treasurer via check, CashApp, or Zelle. Should there be a sufficient balance in the fund at the beginning of the year, the amount of the required contribution may be adjusted by theNB38Committee

The group discussed whether to make the policy fluid to include life events for line sisters such as contributions as a group for wedding gifts (Stephanie) or in the case of currentlyJoanne Mack’s death who we pledged and have an Alpha Gamma/ Morgan relationship. It was suggested by Roxanne that such contributions should not be made on a random or emotional basis and/or not included in the policy but done on an individual basis.Therefore, it was decided by the committee based on this discussion not to include wedding gifts as a life event in making a group contribution; and in making a contribution to Joanne Mack. It was suggestedline sisters make individual contributions towards her endowment when one has been set up or in making any to her family.

The committee will revise the draft of the NB38 Support Services Policy for 2023 and it will be placed on the NB38 Website for review.


October 2, 2022

Greetings Sorors!

Yesterday New Birth 38  had our second zoom meeting in planning for our 50th DELTAVERSARY!

Present on the call were the following:


Deborah Hoy Jones




Debra Green




Michelle Hairston


Tee Tee



The meeting began with prayer led by Deborah Hoy Jones.

Discussion items were as follows:

Wellness Checks

Committee Reports



Line Sisters on the call each reported that all was well with them and their families.Carliss reported that Denise Motley after contacting her had an urgent care incident and would follow-up for any complications or an update. Cassandra suggested that the NB38 Support Services Committeebe alerted in whether sending her a card would be warranted  Sharon asked for prayers for her father andRoxanneexpressed concerns over pending cataract surgery for her husband Carlton in which line sisters who had had the procedure or knew of someone who had assured her that it was painless and uncomplicated. Cassandra also informed the group that Millie continues to heal and had expressed her support for any decisions made today. Line sisters also reported on the status or those who were living in areas affected by the hurricane IAN, those present informed the group that they were all safe and had weathered the storm.


NB38 50th Scholarship Committee: Gretchen, Stephanie, Debbie H, Jones & Tee Tee

Gretchen reported that the committee had met, and she had spoken to Denise Alexander Smith, Major Gifts Officer of the Morgan Office of Development Staff in researching the best ways to generate an account, to invest or to make a donation during homecoming next year. Along with starting up a Morgan State University Foundation startup of $10,000,Gretchenprovided two suggested ways to invest as follows:

  1. Suggested goal of $25,000 which would estimate line sisters making a $40-$45 payment each month; This would be an interest-bearing account.
  2. In making a $1,000 deposit which is not an interest-bearing account up front towards a set amount, making monthly payments towards a goal we set ($10,000, $30,000 as examples)

Gretchen informed the group that Denise was unable to participate on the zoom meeting today due to her busy scheduled planning for this weekend’s Homecoming activities; but she would be available to meet with the committee onOctober 10th. Other committee members, Debbie, Stephanie and Tee Tee added to the discussion in suggesting that we wait to get the finer details from Denise before making any decisions and that we have line sisters submit a pledge card each in making them accountable for contributions. Michelle H. asked or suggested that in setting a goal that those lower payments be considered for line sisters who are living on limited incomes and are retired.Tee Tee asked whether we could name the fund ourselves and was informed by Debbie Jones who responded that we could for her family had set up a fund in a family members name.

It was decided that the NB38 Scholarship Committee after meeting withDenise Smithwould decide on the option, set amount and monthly payment to present back to the line sisters at our next zoom meeting for a vote.

Oceanfront Vacation Rentals for 2024:  Denise “DD” Adams

DD informed the group that she was under the misunderstanding that we were looking at vacation rentals for Spring 2023 but that being that not being the case, the same information would apply as presented by her except costs would more than likely increase for 2024. Therefore, during her research, she described the following:

  • That most rentals are for a maximum of 7 days and the minimum rentals require 4-night stays and suggested a Wednesday to Sunday morning rental
  • That we avoid rentals during the premium time (Easter through October) and that the best time to rent would be in the early spring March or April 2024
  • That we should be in the position to make a deposit 6 months prior to rental because the choice locations are quickly booked or paid on ahead of time by previous renters
  • The rentals for vacation homes she researched in the Hilton Head area housed and slept 16-20 guests ranging on the lower end $4340 for the four nights to $9300 on the higher end and rooms would be shared, i.e., pledge style
  • Properties closer to the beach would cost more to rent but those available usually 3 rows back were in walking distance or transportation accessible
  • Vacation Rentals included elevators, private pools, adequate eating spaces, firepits, decks and TVs in bedrooms

Line Sisters expressed concerns about bunk beds, adequate bathrooms to bedroom ratios, more privacy in lieu of corvid in which possible rentals of townhouses, duplexes in the same complex to accommodate us fewer with the same amenities and the distance from beach to rentals in addressing transportation. It was reported that Easter 2024 would be on March 30thto avoid competition of rentals by spring breakers.

DD also informed the group that she any money planned and spent would be in utilizing minority vendors, renting limos, hiring chefs, etc. She would also research further based on a March/April 2024 early Spring Rental, properties without bunk beds, bathroom/bedroom accommodations, duplex vs. vacation rentals and will send us links to properties to review and consider by our next zoom meeting. Debbie H Jones expressed with a consensus that our plans for our 50th Celebration would be planned to encourage and include ALL OF US so that no one was left unable to participate due to financial reasons. Fundraising ideas were also bought up in getting this done.

Homecoming 2023 Committee: DD, Sharon, Stephanie, Tee Tee

This group did not officially meet and after inquiring who would be attending homecoming this weekend Cassandra asked that any line sisters who had planned to attend Homecoming this year to take and share photos of any line sisters attending participating in Alpha Gamma activities; and to observe possible activities that could be planned on campus for 2023. One example proposed was a scheduled cart tour of new Morgan facilities. It was mentioned that Morgan is planning to build a new medical school on campus, the first on a Black Historical campus in decades.

NB38 Outreach Committee

Line Sisters who volunteered for the Outreach Committee consist of:                                                                            Michelle H., Maureen, DD, Gretchen, Carliss,Tee Tee & Deborah Hughes

In an effort to obtain 100% participate or to surpass the 25 or so active participants in 2003 for our 30thto strategize in contacting, engaging and informing all line sisters on a more frequent basis.Cassandra informed the group that the most recent NB38 Directory was available under theNB38 Directory Link tabon the website NB38 DIRECTORY LINK or by accessing and contacting her.

This Committtee will report any actions or results taken at our next zoom meeting Cassandra and line sisters expressed appreciation and happiness over the well-attended zoom meeting which is very encouraging moving forward.



Plans to celebrate Stephanie’s marriage to fiancé’Lenny this month is scheduled for May 6, 2023, in Maryland.

Also deceased line sister Brenda’s daughter, Brianna who will be celebrating her 10th Deltaversary next year would like to join us during our 50th celebration which led to a suggestion to invite Sharon’s daughter, Ashley.

The meeting ended with prayer led by Maureen.

Our next NB38 ZOOM MEETING is scheduled for NOVEMBER 13 that 5:00pm.


July 24, 2022

Greetings Sorors!

Yesterday New Birth 38 had our first zoom meeting in planning for our 50th DELTAVERSARY! Present on the call:


Deborah Hoy





Debra Faucett


Debra Green

Sharon B

Michelle Hairston


Tee Tee

The meetingl started off with prayer by Squeaky. Discussion items were as follows:

Wellness Check



Gretchen presented to the group along with slideshow prepared by Cassandra, the suggestions made by line sisters and descriptions of options available. Each participant on the zoom were asked for their input in responding their preference on what they would like to do as a part of our celebration and reasons for not wanting to do certain activities.

After discussion on the pro and cons of considering a Cruise, travelling overseas or obtaining Oceanfront rentals, a consensus was reached to celebrate at a Oceanside Vacation Rentals along with other events throughout the 50th Anniversary Celebration Year (Homecoming 2023 - Spring 2024) as follows:

Oceanfront Rentals being planned forSpring 2024in theNorthorSouth Carolina area. DD has taken lead ownership of this task that will consist of all the details in making this event a celebratory and memorable one for us all.

In addressing our Public Service Initiative, plans are to set up aNew Birth 38 Scholarship funding an interest generated account at a Black owned Bank to make a donation to Morgan/ President Wilson. Time frames and amounts not set up yet but it was suggested we make this presentation Homecoming 2023 at the Gala or at a banquet.AScholarship committeecomprised of:Debbie Hoy, Stephanie, Tee Tee and Gretchen will investigate, research and present how this scholarship fund at our next zoom meeting.

Homecoming 2023, since Morgan has evolved into this world class university along with being our Chapter home, suggestions are to get a group tour of the campus, attend the Gala together or plan a banquet and to attend worship service possibly at the Chistian Center.

Although there were concerns about planning an activity during the actual date(s) of our Deltaversary (December 7, 2023) because of the possibly bad weather, there may be other ways to celebrate together possibly by zoom.

As our zoom meeting began, it ended with prayer by Stephanie. The next zoom meeting will be scheduled for September 2022. Thank you Debbie Hoy! Line Sisters are being encouraged to participate in this process or any events planned as we strive for full participation in celebrating 50 Years as Alpha Gamma Sorors of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.


Cassandra informed the group that the most recent NB38 Directorywas available under the NB38 Directory Link tabon the website (https://www.newbirth38/simplesite.com) or by accessing and contacting her. Please review and update.

The meeting ended with prayer led by Debbie Hoy Jones.

Our next NB38 ZOOM MEETING is scheduled for JANUARY 22nd, 2023,at 5:00pm.  

Marsha Dunkins 31.03.2022 12:58

Love ❤️ it see you there 🔺❤️
Can’t wait to to see everyone 🥰🙏🏼❤️