NB38 ZOOM CALL......LET'S TALK ABOUT our 50th!

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02.12 | 00:49

Thx so much Debbie❤️🔺

02.12 | 00:47

Thanks so much my Sorors for your Congrats and well wishes on my re...

27.11 | 23:56

Congratulations Sharon😘😘

12.10 | 23:57

Happy Birthday Soror!! Hope it's simply Fantastic! Tee-Tee


September 21, 2023


Greetings Sorors!


Thursday,  New Birth 38 had its tenth zoom meeting in planning for our 50th DELTAVERSARY! The Zoom call was well-attended by 12 Sorors as follows:



Deborah J








Debra West

Deborah H


The meeting began with prayer led by  Deborah H. Jones.


Discussion items were as follows:

Wellness Checks

Committee Reports

Other Business



Line Sisters in attendance all expressed that they were doing well. Pam informed the group that she was cleared by doctor to drive and resume her regular activities.   Carliss for continued prayers for Veralee and Vera. Debra West reported that Michelle H had had her first infusion cancer treatment and was doing well. Cassandra informed that she had spoken to Sylvia prior to the meeting and she was doing very well and husband Barry was being very protective. Told her to thank him for keeping us updated on her surgery and condition.  Doctors are calling her recovery a miracle.  Her urgent surgery was due to the effects from a car accident she had been in a month or so ago.  She is looking forward to our 50th together next month.



NB38 Support Services Committee:                                                                                                                            Deborah Hughes, Michelle H, Michelle Q & Lauretta

Deborah H, our Treasurer and from the Support Services reported:

$147.00 left from the overflow paid for the vacation rental.  There is $191.35 left in the Support Services Fund in which $100 was awarded to Arlene and family. And determining that $150 paid was for attire and fees not a donation.  There was a $200 donation that went to Cassandra to cover expenses.  There is still one football ticket not paid for that right now belongs to Arlene; but depending on where she is in the grieving process at the time of Homecoming, it may be purchased by Diane GrandberryMaureen inquired about the overflow of funds from the vacation monies and DD explained that the event is a year away and we are right now trying to cover our homecoming celebration.  She is assured we will collect and will be able to cover vacay expenses when the time comes.  Debbie H and others concurred that there had been a vote by those who had paid for the vacation rental to use the overflow for our homecoming expenses.  Without it we would not have been able to make a deposit to the caterer without asking for more money in reunion fees.


NB38 Outreach Committee:

Michelle H, Maureen, DD, Gretchen, Carliss & Tee Tee

The results of Carliss and Gretchen contacting or getting responses from line sisters on which activities they would or would not be attending or participating in were as follows:


Hotel Stay   13

Attending Gala   5

Attending Friday Duckpond/PJ Party    9

Those requesting Van Transport   17

Saturday Breakfast at Morgan Suite  17 and 2 guests will probably hang out int the suite

Interviews    14

Circle    16

Divine 9/CIO Golden Party  10

Group Photo   15

Sunday Service and Lunch  20 including 2 guests


Carliss added that she expected the numbers to increase for the van, Saturday am breakfast and Sunday Lunch.



Oceanfront Vacation Rentals for 2024: Denise “DD” Adams

No Business to report. 



High Water 9  is the NB38 Selected Vacation Rental https://www.vacasa.com/unit/52583

Date of NB38 Vacation Rental Trip:  September 11-15, 2024 (5 days, 4 Nights)

Deposit Required by each Participant:   $289 Paid to Deborah Hughes

Vacation Rental has room for 22 occupants,  17 Sorors have secured rooms.



NB38 50th Scholarship Committee:                                                                                                                          Gretchen, Stephanie, Debbie H, Jones, Tee Tee, Gloria, Debra Faucett-West and DD.


Debra F. West reported the following:

  • 49 donors had contributed to the NB38 Go Fund Me Campaign totaling $4,245
  • 22 had completed 569 feedback surveys in the HundredX Campaign totaling $590
  • Of the signed pledges $13, 247 was collected in real dollars. That includes the remaining balances owed by line sisters.
  • Grand total $18, 092 Short of $6,918 in reaching our $25,000 goal but to the group impressive, nonetheless.

There was then a difference of opinion on whether to continue to make an effort to collect more funds to reach the $25,000 as spearheaded by Debbie Jones suggesting selling dinners or take on other fundraising efforts. After some discussion the group voted to make $20,000 the manageable goal. Perhaps getting the 22 Line Sisters to contribute more to reach the more obtainable amount.  By the end of the discussion, DD contributed $1000 more to bring our total to $19,082.  Debbie West informed the group that she would work the numbers in coming up with a amount if contributed by the 22 line sisters would help us reach our goal of $20,000 by homecoming.  It is as follows:

22 Sorors Pledge


  $1,000  DD added

 $14, 247.00

($14,247 – fee  $4,116.88)

 $14, 247

+ 590.00  ($590 from the HundredX Campaign)

$18,952.00   Total

  -20,000.00  Goal

$ 1,047.12                  Needed to reach goal


$1047.12 divided by 22 Sorors

$48 per person to be collected


Therefore, the appeal is now for 22 Line Sisters to contribute at least $48 a person to reach our new goal of $20,000.  Great, Great Job to Debbie West and DD of the NB38 Scholarship Fund in introducing campaigns that helped us raise nearly $20,000 along with the help of line sisters who donated and committed to pledges. The two campaigns are now officially over.

Cassandra inquired of DD if we would be able to make our pledge donation during the football game Homecoming.  She responded that she was working on it.

Homecoming 2023 Committee: DD, Carliss, Sharon, Stephanie, Tee Tee, Debra G & Cassandra


Cassandra shared her slideshow presentation to describe the activities for our 50th Deltaversary celebration Homecoming Weekend.  You may view this slideshow through google drive at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hUBYQLuVzHmAAeaw2EEqFKjDtjX0pHNu/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101835519859348958088&rtpof=true&sd=true


Cassandra informed the group that she during her zoom meeting with the Class of ’74 Floyd, Angie and others who work or do business with Morgan have difficulty finding parking and getting around campius because of all of the construction.  On the Holmes side it is like a maze and shut off in areas.  Baldwin and Cummings are under construction.


Cassandra also added in attending a zoom call with the Song leaders for the Alpha Gamma circle, they expressed the same concerns.  They are now waiting on confirmation as to where our circle will be located but felt confident it would be in front of the new library near our Delta ground plague. This would certainly suit our purposes in having a short walk from the game to the circle and to the student center parking garage for our pickup.


Cassandra then begin to go over the activities planned for our 50th Celebration Homecoming Weekend.as follows:



4:00 – 6pm or 7pm

  • Meet & Gather
  • Pick up Attire, football tickets & Packets
  • Practice for Saturday and Sunday
  • Stuffing Gift Bags, preparing folder info
  • Please bring your memorabilia, photos, etc.
  • Makenzie will label & keep track of everything: Email her your photos: kenzie218@aol.com

10:00pm – until the last duck drops


  • Games/Icebreaker
  • Sharing memories and memorabilia
  • Having FUN


FRIDAY will be the time to pick up any attire, football tickets and packets and to view the photos and memorabilia bought by line sisters.  Makenzie will be tagging everything and keeping our items safe as she transports them to the Suite Saturday morning and brings them back to the hotel.


This time also presents an opportunity for us to practice songs and steps for strolling into the circle, performing in the circle and entering the lunch program on Sunday. She informed the group that they were hyped about us 50 year celebrating AG Sorors, inquiring what we were wearing, how many would attend. Cassandra informed the group per Millie’s suggestion we wanted to be recognized for the three songs that were introduced by our line 50 years ago.  The song leaders led by Soror J.J. Bowie were first taken aback by the suggestion that we wanted to be the only ones singing them sort of in a medley as suggested by Sharon but time constraints will not allow us to do all three.  However, out of the ten songs on the playlist for Saturday, all but We Made a Vow was on the list which made it a perfect song choice for us to sing in the circle.  Sharon will be recognized for We’re Doing Our Thing since she will be present; and Moving On will be referenced to New Birth 38 as the creators when sung.


In preparing for the circle, Cassandra provided Stephanie with a video of Sorors performing “Good News” to come up with a simple strut or step since we are entering the circle first. She will distribute a brief video for line sisters to view and practice.  The AG song leaders stressed that everyone stay in step and move at a quick tempo. We are expected to leave the game early and be in line at 3:30 at our location to be announced hopefully during the Sunday Alpha Gamma Song meeting at 5:00pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend the zoom to hear how the songs are sung and to be further instructed.  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86344231190...

Meeting ID:863 4423 1190       Passcode:633271



The words to the songs we are singing can be found on our NB38 Website through the Delta Songbook or Cassandra will email them to line sisters. They are:








If you are in town Friday, pick up your red sweatshirt and let’s practice.  We also try to do a run through at our Morgan suite on Saturday morning.




  • 9:00am Breakfast at Morgan Center Suite C
  • Breakfast to be served at 10:00am (Line Sisters not staying at hotel & other guests may arrive to eat on time.)
  • 10:00am Van Pick up to Morgan Student Center (We elected for a later pickup but that may change)
  • Breakfast, Interviews, Viewing Slideshow, Practicing for Delta Circle Entrance
  • 12:15 – Alpha Gamma Tea – Suite B

        Visit to Suite next door for photos, cake and engaging with younger AG Sorors

  • 1:00pm Football Game (Those not attending game will stay in suite til closing)
  • 3:30pm - Circle Lineup Time
  • 6:00pm - Van Pickup from garage back to Hotel

The ten songs being sang during the circle are also listed in the slideshow.


SATURDAY  Cassandra informed the group that she was looking into another transportation being used by the AKAs during homecoming weekend.  Certainly, we should be able to get one that can transport you to and from the party on Saturday night for the price the current company is charging us for a round trip to Morgan campus and back.  In the meantime, plans are for the van to pick us up from the hotel at 10:00am.  Breakfast at the suite starts at 10:00am.  Once there we will be interviewed, practice, chill and watch slideshows of past photos.  Cassandra also informed the group that the AG Tea is being held next door in Suite B from 12 – 2pm and they have a cake to celebrate us.  So plans are to go over there as a group around 12:30 to mingle with the younger Sorors and take photos then head to the football game.


Thanks to both the Denise’s Nedab and Motley, Roxanne was informed that Morgan now has a clear bag policy that will be in effect on September 23rd for their game venues and facilities. Roxanne shared some examples from Amazon of the size and kind of bags we need to have for the game.  Cassandra included those photos in the slideshow presentation.  They cost anywhere from $9.99 to $17.99.  Our gift bags will be too large to use.


Our van is scheduled to pick us up from the garage at 6:00pm where we will head back to the hotel to prepare to go to the 50th Golden Anniversary Party at the Clarion BWI. The fee person is $27.  Cassandra suggested wearing our outfits to the party but the discussion led to not following national’s protocol not to be seen with our Delta symbols with alcoholic beverages or indulging in such.  Cassandra for one took issue with this mainly because she did not want to have to find something or buy something else to wear.  Just don’t take any photos drinking or being around someone who is drinking.  However, those who possess lots of red and white attire or didn’t want to harm the chapter with any impropriety won the decision not to wear them. The photos of the attire for Saturday and the new red sweatshirts were shown on the slideshow as well.


Cassandra  included the photos of the flyers for the Alpha Gamma Tea and the 50th Golden Line Anniversary Party to view.  Also found on our website under 50th Homecoming Activities. The Outline to provide the Oral History for our documentary can also viewed on the slideshow and was also distributed to line sisters by email.


SUNDAY  Cassandra then shared the following drafts of programs for Sunday’s Worship and Memorial Services and the Lunch Program including times. The attire for New Birth 38 is red gowns or after 5 attire red dresses; and for guest Sorors Red & White.  All activities for Sunday will be held in the host hotel.  Cassandra is having Makenzie check on an extension to check out and/or a place to store our luggage. After breakfast on your own, Group Photos will be taken at 9:45am, the Memorial Service will begin at 10:45 and the Memorial service at Noon. After a brief bathroom break, New Birth 38 Line sisters will strut into the Luncheon part of our Sunday program at 1:00pm to Moving On.  The Lunch Program will be hosted and presided by our Big Sisters.  Guests at $30 each are welcome to join us.  Our Little Sisters from the ’74 and ’75 lines have also been invited along with Carolyn Young, our Sweethearts, Teddy Garrett and Harold Hebron; and our Omega brothers from the Last Nine line and the January ’73 line. There will be games, prizes and recognition of line sisters along with what we hope will be great food.  Sunday will also be an opportunity for those line sisters who have not been interviewed to do so.  You may view the draft Sunday programs in a little more detail on the September 21st zoom meeting slideshow.



The Reunion Fee $130 or $120 for some.  Due by September 29th.  Individual fees for activities especially for guests can also be paid this way.

Fees are to be paid to Stephanie Lyon Jones NOT Debbie Hughes as follows:

Cash App   $stephanielyon

Checks or Money Orders:     Stephanie Lyon Jones    (Only if you have to, she prefer cash app)

                                    15404 Brinton Way, Brandywine, MD  20513 




Other Business

The NB38 Directory is available under the NB38 Directory Link tab on the website https://newbirth38.simplesite.com/187727197/194575133 or by contacting her.  Please review and continue to provide updates to Cassandra.


The Alpha Gama/Delta Songbook is also available under the Home Page Tab under Delta Song Link: https://newbirth38.simplesite.com/187727197/193238978.


Our next NB38 ZOOM MEETING is scheduled for SUN., OCTOBER 1st 2023, at 5:30pm.



Love ❤️ it see you there 🔺❤️
Can’t wait to to see everyone 🥰🙏🏼❤️

Marsha Dunkins 31.03.2022 12:58