The Morgan State University Foundation, Inc. is a separately incorporated non-profit organized for the purpose of promoting the growth, progress, and general welfare of Morgan State University. Gifts to the Morgan State University Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Grow the Future, Lead the World.

The Growing the Future Opportunity Fund will provide support for students overcoming financial barriers through emergency assistance and grants that create a path that leads to lifetime benefits and personal well-being. We invite you to join with us in the commitment to remove any barriers which may threaten our students’ success and bymaking a giftto the The Growing the Future Opportunity Fund.

As we work to advance our mission and provide our students with the education they deserve in new ways, we will once again understand the powerful force of the generosity of our extraordinary alumni and friends.


                        IN CELEBRATION OF OUR

                                     50th DELTAVERSARY

Our Beloved Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. since its founding has created programming to improve political, education, and social and economic conditions, particularly within black communities. The sorority collaborates with community organizations and corporations to further its programming goals.  As a part of New Birth 38's 50th Deltaversary Celebration 2023,  Line Sisters voted as a part of our service to join with our own Alpha Gamma Chapter Endowment Fund in contributing $25,000 to our National Treasure and HBCU Morgan State University in making a donation to Morgan’s Scholarship Foundation Fund. Sands would work to obtain our goal through personal donations and fundraising efforts.

The Alpha Gamma Endowment Fund as reported by its caretaker, Lynn Knight Middleton, 21ag77f, was started in 2010 and during their first fundraising effort during homecoming $10,000 was raised. The AG endowment is managed by the University but AG are the administrators. The school manages the portfolio which is not available for viewing; but all statements come to Lynn. The Endowment is healthy, follows market trends and currently at $99,407 in which 2022 $4,073 was used for scholarships to students. Smalls loans ranging from few hundreds to around a thousand have been awarded to students in need.  Lynn also reported that money contributed to the AG fund is done so in perpetuity (no fixed maturity date); and the challenge has always been to maintain it at $100,000. The fund does accrue interest with a 2.67 return.

New Birth 38 Line Sisters will pay their donations individually towards our goal total. The MSU Foundation however prefers cashier checks or money orders to be mailed to Morgan State University  to receive receipts for tax purposes.  It was suggested NOT to make any payments online. 

During our January 22nd, Zoom Meeting the NB38 Scholarship Fund Committee under the task ownership of Debra Faucett-West prepared a letter that included a pledge card that was mailed to line sisters to respond with an expressed commitment by FEBRUARY 15, 2023.  Each Line Sister will then be held responsible to save towards that amount and contribute to the fund by July 1, 2023. The NB38 Scholarship Committee will monitor and document all contributions in assessing how much has been contributed and in putting into place fund raising efforts to obtain any remaining balance. Plans are to make our contribution during Homecoming of this year in October.2023.

To Submit pledged donations:

Delta Sigma Theta, INC.

Alpha Gamma, New Birth 38 1973

Dearest Line Sisters,

After much investigation and many conversations, the following options are open for your contributions to our Alpha Gamma Scholarship Endowment.

Please return your pledge cards to Debra Faucett- West so that we can be aware of our intended pledge totals. Remember, our goal is $25,000.

Donations can be made in the following ways.

Electronically. Use this online system.

  1. Once you complete the process, you immediately get a receipt. At time of processing the debit or credit card, the individual donor will follow the prompts and type in ALPHA GAMMA Endowment" in the dropdown under "Other". Remember, donations have to be attributed to an established fund or individual donor, otherwise they could land in the General Fund because there is no fund name match. 
  2. Morgan's Foundation finance office tracks & reports on established funds (ex. Alpha Gamma Endowment), corporations & foundations (ex, Amazon) or individual donors ( ex. Gretchen Lawson) giving. Because your line opted not to establish a fund, Morgan's Foundation would only provide information to the individual donor on what they gave. Each individual donor would receive an acknowledgement letter for their tax purposes.
  3. Calculations of what your 1973 line donates, would be up to each individual donor reporting to your treasure or other designated officer. Again, in order for Morgan's Foundation to report, you would have to establish a separate fund for the 1973 line. That being the case, your treasurer will need to calculate what your Line of 1973 donated to Alpha Gamma Endowment.
  4. Each individual donations will be counted towards  their Class's 5 year giving totals

Payment by check and or money orders are also accepted.

They would have to be mailed to Morgan's lockbox, processed by our bank ,then posted, which obviously takes quite a bit more time.

Checks must be made payable to MSU Foundation, Inc, then make sure you include ALPHA GAMMA ENDOWMENT in memo and

MAIL  to:

MSU Foundation

PO Box 64261, Baltimore, MD 21264-4261


Acknowledgements for donations by mail may take 2-3 weeks, depending on when the donation gets posted, and the USPS.


We will need for each line sister to report to the (treasurer, undesignated, as of yet) how much she has donated.


Hope this is workable for everyone,




GoFund Me Campaign 

Denise Adams - Lead

Introduced by DD , this Go Fund Me Page has been set up by New Birth38 to earmark Morgan' State's AG Endowment by raising money for our own HBCU students.  This is especially important in light of the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on Affirmative Action.  With this action we would be breaking new ground in the spirit of our  Alpha Gamma founders and staying ahead of what will be much needed outreach by HBCU’s for funding based on what may be a larger influx of students attending them.

Our  GoFundMe Page launched  on August  21, 2023.  Do your parert by copying this  link:

Fundraiser by Denise Adams : Sorority Seniors Raising Funds for HBCU Students ( .  Share with  your famiy, social medial formats email contacts or just be creative in how you share.  

Our goal is $25,000 and we are only half way there; but every little effort you make helps.


Denise "DD" Adams

NB38 Hundred X Campaign

Debra F. West - Lead

Debra introduced a program she discovered through her Huntsville, Alabama Alumni Chapter  that would enable participants to perform surveys on various goods and answering questions and rating a product .

The campaign started August 17th and will end September 19th. For each 100 surveys. completed, $1.60 will be awarded towards our fund. 

Please click on the following link to begin completing your surveys; 

Step 1: Click on your personal feedback page button below.

HundredX Feedback (

Step 2:  Provide feedback on the businesses/products you have visited or used during the past 6 months. There are over 3,000 options. Simply enter a business, brand or product name in the search bar or click the “Or find them by category” button.

Step 3: Share an opinion with our easy, emoji-based feedback process.

Every time you share eligible feedback on the HundredX Causes platform, you are not only generating $ for your organization, but also providing insight about your customer experience with the leaders of those companies.

HundredX can only pay for feedback that meets our proprietary quality requirements (“Eligible Feedback”), so it’s important to be thoughtful when submitting your feedback.

Please share with family and friends who can help be a part of this process. This campaign will give line sisters who are financially unable to make contributions to our fund  an opportunity to do by conducting these surveys towards our goal to the MSU Endowment Fund.  


Debra Faucett-West



The NEW BIRTH 38 Committee will have the responsibilities of documenting, monitoring and assessing the donations pledged and submitted by Line Sisters towards our $25,000 goal. They will take the lead on the above fundraising efforts  towards meeting any remaining balances to reach that goal.



410 615-1259 


908 514-3717


301 875-8593


336 345-2153


443 286-8532


302 441-2349


410 302-5952

As of AUGUST 21st, 2023

We are at  $13, 197 towards reaching our Goal of $25,000!